Bungee.com - bungee jumping and equipment, professional hollywood stunts, extreme sports, bungee jumping into volcanos, bungee trampolines.<
bungee dot com - the bungee jumping and bungee stunt authority. everything about bungee, bungee jumping, bungee equipment, bungee safety, bungee history and bungee television and film work. bungee masters (a bungee.com company) bungee bridge in washington state, 45 minutes from portland, oregon.
You know who we are. For the past 30-years, since 1988 we have brought you such adventures as; the highest T-Tower bungee jump in the world off the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada and the highest year-round, private bungee bridge in the US (as seen on Mythbusters). We even assisted Filix Bumgartner with his Red Bull Stratosphere skydiving jump out of a space capsule from 125,000’ above the earth. Still not enough? How about bungee jumping from the skid of a helicopter into the gaping maw of a churning, bright orange, active volcano? No. We're not kidding and yes this is for real!
Bungee.com’s Stunts division set up this jump for MTV a while back. We loved the jump so much, we knew we had to bring it to the small percentage of the public who, like us, has that something special (or wrong) in their genes. So this is it - available to YOU for the LAST TIME (2018 will be our last expedition to South America to stage this amazing, bungee, stunt jump). The undisputable jump of a thousand lifetimes, the most exclusive bungee jump in the history of the world!
You need not be a virgin to jump into this volcano.
Defying death and bungee jumping into the caldera of an active volcano over a bubbling lava lake.
Pucón, Chilé (Villarrica Volcano)
March 2020
You are looking for the greatest and epic adventure of your lifetime!
How much?:
$15,958.13 per person
What does the price tag include? Everything but transportation to and from Santiago and Temuco, Chile. (Partial airfare included)
- ½ day for travel arriving to and ½ day from Pucón to Santiago & Temuco
- 1 day Helicopter Bungee Jump into the live (active) Volcano!
- 1 day Waterfall Helicopter Bungee Jump into a lava tube down the face of a 100-meter waterfall
- ½ day Hot Springs Activity & ½ "Open Day" to explore the quaint hamlets of Pucon and Villarrica, Chile
- 1 day Whitewater Rafting [Rapid rating: Class 3s & 4s/3 to 4 hrs spent on river]
- 1 day Skydiving
- All Meals
- Drinks (non-alcoholic)
- The 1st-Place award for most outrageous and absolutely unbelievable stories at any cocktail party, stuffy dinner or campfire for the rest of your life! Your family tree will grow a separate branch just to define you as “that” amazing relative.
Total: 6 Days/ 5 Nights
Can I bring my spouse/significant other?
Yes. If he or she is only along for the ride, they can join for an additional cost. If they are also going to jump, your package will be discounted $1,000 each.
Just what the hell is this jump going to be like? - Who else will be in the helicopter?
You'll be with the Pilot (Eduardo, it’s worth the price of admission to the party just to meet him, what a character OMG!), Photographer and Crew Chief (Jump Master)
- How will we get to the volcano?
Perched on the skid, outside the helicopter while you gain 10,000ft in altitude, traveling about 130 kph for 35 miles!!
- What about the actual jump?
The helicopter will fly into the caldera of the volcano, where you will bungee jump, coming within 700ft to 900ft of the actual pool of MOLTEN LAVA. The elongated bungee will be between 350 & 400ft.
- And if we make it?
After the jump will have a long line ride back to the airport, once again traveling at around 130 kph while suspended 150+ feet below the helicopter on the bungee.
Where will we be staying?
The beautiful Park Lake Resort, Villarrica a wonderful resort in one of the quaint cities in Chile, it offers beautiful views of the volcano and the lake, enjoy both outdoor air and indoor heated pools, workout facilities (oh and our exclusive helipad for our private helicopter). While in Pucon facilities to participate in golf, tennis, fishing, snow skiing, rafting, hiking and mountain biking.
While in town there is a small casino offering Bingo, Roulette, Blackjack, slot machines, Craps, Poker Baccarat, Chemin de Fer and other games of chance.
How about the meals?
Breakfast Buffet is provided each morning at the resort.
Lunch (box lunch on activity days) is provided.
Dinner will be provided each night with the group, but is optional if you want to explore the local restaurant's cuisine on your own.
What transportation arrangements will be made for me?
Transportation from Temuco to Pucón and back as well as to and from all activities from the hotel will be provided. If you are planning on doing additional traveling during your trip, you will need to make your own transportation arrangements.
Could I die?
Yes. You could. You'll be signing a waiver, so we're cool.
Oh, and yes, you will get a cool T-shirt, keychain and if you’re really nice a refrigerator magnet if you survive the trip!
Interested in Bungee Jumping off of the tallest Bungee bridge in North America? Bungee dot com and Bungee Masters can help you fulfill your high-altitude dreams by pushing you off of a bridge. Not daring enough for you? Try Bungee jumping out of a helicopter...but that's not the scary part. Better sit down before we tell you that you're over the open maw of a volcano. That's right...we're THOSE Bungee guys.